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Exploitation agreement
Updated over a week ago

You assign your rights to Gramo for rights management by entering into a rights administration agreement with us.

Entering into such an agreement with Gramo is free of cost. You may also choose in which countries you want Gramo to manage your rights and collect your remuneration.

As a registered rightholder in Gramo, you will also become a member of the association Gramo and are bound by the articles of association in force. See also section 4 below.

1. About Gramo

Gramo is a self-owned and independent legal entity with members. Neither members nor others have a claim on the association's capital or assets, nor are they responsible for debts or other obligations.

Gramo's purpose is to monitor, promote and collectively manage the economic related rights of producers of sound recordings and performing artists by which Gramo has been authorized to manage by law or by assignment, license, or other agreement.

Gramo does not have monetary interests nor financial activities for its members as its purpose.

Gramo is accredited by the Ministry of Culture and Equality as a collection and distribution organization in accordance with section 21 second paragraph of the Copyright Act.

Gramo is registered as a collective management organisation, cf. Act on collective administration on copyright etc. section 2 first paragraph and 3 a), cf. section 52.

2. Rightholders agreement on registration (task and mandate)

2.1 – Registered rightholder with Gramo commissions Gramo, where Gramo is not directly authorized to do so by virtue of law, to exercise and enforce:

a) The remuneration right according to section 21 of the Copyright Act

b) Right to additional remuneration according to section 18 of the Copyright Act

2.2 – Gramo may enter into binding collective agreements on behalf of the rightholder, either by itself or through other management organisation, however within the limits that follow from Gramo's articles of association and the legislation in general - and which do not conflict with the rightholder’s other existing management agreements or agreements entered into individually.

2.3 – Based on the rights that have been transferred to Gramo's management, Gramo may enter into agreements on the exploitation of said rights and collect and distribute remuneration for such exploitation.

2.4 – Gramo may pursue unlawful use of the managed rights, in dispute resolution bodies or before ordinary courts.

2.5 – The rights Gramo manages apply in and outside of Norway, unless the rightholder has informed Gramo in writing that he or she has entered into a corresponding management agreement with a foreign organization whose activities are the same as or similar to Gramo's, or unless Gramo has notified the rightholder in writing and with reasons given that they will not carry out the exercise and enforcement of rights or cause them to be carried out in a specific country.

3. Specific liabilities for rightholders

3.1 – The rightholder must inform Gramo in writing as soon as possible of any change of address and/or bank account. The rightholder is obliged to provide Gramo with all information that is necessary for the proper execution of the management assignment, including providing correct and complete information regarding repertoire/catalogue subject to remuneration.

3.2 – The rightholder is obliged to report as soon as possible its association with a foreign organization whose activities are the same as or similar to Gramo’s.

3.3 – Rightholder are obliged to state the reason for their right to remuneration connected to a (phonogram of a) performance.

4. By-laws, protocols, rules, etc.

4.1 – The rightholder is bound by the statutes and protocols that follow from them or are linked to them, the way they are adopted today and the way they will be decided, revised, or amended.

5. Privacy

5.1 – Gramo processes personal data about rightholders in accordance with the Personal Data Act with regulations in a legal, secure, and responsible manner. This means, among other things, that the processing of this information will only be conducted to the extent necessary for the implementation of this agreement or the fulfilment of Gramo's legal obligations.

5.2 – By giving Gramo the management assignment, the rightholder consents to Gramo's processing of their personal data for the necessary administrative and legal actions related to the exercise and enforcement of this agreement.

6. Entry of force and termination of the agreement

6.1 – This agreement enters into force on the day of the rightholder's signature and is agreed upon for an indefinite period.

6.2 – The rightholder may terminate this agreement by written notice before 31 December in any calendar year, subject to a notice period of at least three months.

7. Choice of law and legal venue competent jurisdiction

7.1 – Disputes about this agreement and further agreements that follow from it, whether in or out of contract, are regulated by Norwegian law and the legal venue is the Oslo District Court.

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